CEO reveals the worst job interview response he’s ever heard

Daniel Haarburger, CEO of Woof, says he always asks job candidates a straightforward, everyday interview question: What does your day-to-day life look like?

He recently shared that one candidate gave him a textbook example of the “worst response that I’ve ever heard.” He said: “Life’s a hot-mess express right now. It’s pretty wild.”

Haarburger, who has hired more than 50 individuals since 2019 explained, “I was like, well, that’s not how you want to start an interview. So that [interview] didn’t go too well. That was someone blatantly saying, ‘I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.”

Therefore, if your life is indeed a hot-mess express — maybe you are deeply frustrated by your current job or overwhelmed by something else in your life — take a moment to think about how you are improving the situation. Then, make that the focal point of your response.

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