LinkedIn has provided the ability to reach out and network with potential candidates and/or to request networking assistance. This tool has become a valuable resource to keep you and your colleagues informed of what opportunities exist within the industry. It often times will reduce the number of phone calls you receive from recruiters on a daily basis. However, often times when these In Mails are received, LinkedIn members are declining the request. It is to your benefit to assist with networking. Declining an invite or request takes you out of consideration by a recruiter to connect or reach out to you when the time comes that you may need to explore new opportunities. It is better to just ignore the request than to decline it. In today's marketplace where there are no job guarantees, is it better to be of assistance rather than be perceived as someone who is not willing to network? After all, LinkedIn is a networking website. Why be a member if you do not want to participate? In closing, remember Karma. What goes around comes around.